Buyer/Visitor Guide
Buyer/Visitor Guide
Explore our comprehensive how-to PDF for a detailed guide on all aspects of exhibiting at QTM 2023. This resource is designed to provide you with valuable insights and essential information, ensuring you're well-prepared for a successful participation in the event.


I don't know my password how can I log in?
To reset your QTM 2023 password, click the "Sign-In" button, then select "Forgot Password." Enter the email associated with your QTM 2023 registration and submit. You will receive an email containing a link to log in and reset your password. If you've never accessed your profile or activated it before, you'll be prompted to enter your email again. Afterwards, an activation link will be sent to your email for logging into your profile. For a clearer understanding, please refer to the video below.

How do I edit my profile?
Click on your picture at the top right corner and then click on "Edit Profile". Alternatively, you can go to the Profile Info. section and then go to Edit Profile section to edit your profile.

How to send a message?
Throughout the platform you will see a Message icon on all company, product and people cards.
To send a message, click on the icon and begin typing your message.
Throughout the platform you will see this Meeting icon on all company, product and people cards.
To request a meeting, click on the icon and begin filling out the form.
How to see the list of visitors/delegates?
Click on the "Visitors" tab from the top menu bar to access visitors list
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